Friday, February 7, 2014

My laptop

My laptop computer In such(prenominal) a developmental and industrious society, none of us could survive without managing his personal life. The expansion of towering engineering science has provided many convenient and useful types of equipment to religious service human needs, such as PCs, cell echos, notebooks, and PDAs. Moreover, their quality and functions ar continuously improved. Depending on individuals needs, cell phone could be grave to a person, but notebook to other one. I got apply to arrive at with nearly of them several(prenominal) years ago. However, I barely feel comfortable and nut-bearing when I use my tearing Qosmio laptop in my job, my school, and my home. Firstly, Qosmio laptop became my cooperator at work when I was a field of operation director secretary in a hospital in Vietnam 5 years ago. As a secretary, I apply MS Outlook to shape my directors schedule, arranged his appointments, checked his emails, and reminded him important events. Furthermore, with my laptop, I could foster him to create some documents or invitation letters, and sometimes to type up his reports with MS discussion program. Besides, in some national health check conferences or seminar, at which professors and experts in medical field report and discussed about their new successful explorees, my Qosmio worked as a photographic television camera and recorded the whole contains, and then replayed for my hospitals doctors to progress upon the new knowledge. Secondly, after I got married, Qosmio went along with me to the U.S. and has been my closed look at school. Thanks to my laptop, I open fire organize my nark notes, or do and save my homework. In addition, with receiving set internet, I can access My Blackboard anytime and anyplace to depress course materials to read before each class. I can discuss problems with my teachers or my classmates in Discussion lineup out-of-class, too. For my research projects, Google is the most u seful tool for me to find the materials, suc! h as pictures and scientific facts and figures. Furthermore, as a result of mobility and dual functions of Qosmio, I do not have...If you want to get a beat essay, order it on our website:

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