Friday, February 7, 2014

Achievements Of Ancient Civilizations

Achievements of Ancient Civilizations Three ancient civilizations that urbane numerous achievements be Sumer, Egypt, and China. Combined, these early civilizations make many an(prenominal) contributions to mankind to sidereal day. Who knows what cloaked would be like today with fall out the accomplishments that these civilizations made. To begin, Sumerians constructed many cities. The walled cities, temples, and palaces were made out of begrime bricks because the desert climate did not contain untold forest and stone. Sumerians also invented stronger tools and weapons made out of bronze and copper. For other accomplishment, Sumerians verit up to(p) the first track of paper. This was called cuneiform and was written on remains tablets. Without the development of cuneiform the scheme of writing could be variant today. Egypt was another ancient civilization that developed many innovations and made lasting contributions to society today. Early Egyptians discovered a impertinent placement in order to water their crops. This system is called irrigation. A way in which ditches and damns are built and circulated to the field. Without the pertly system of irrigation, many crops may not have been able to survive. This open a new gate way to agriculture and remedy impacts farmers greatly today. Ancient Chinese civilizations developed the to the highest degree innovational form of writing. They wrote using pictographs which represented objects, meanings, and ideas. This contributed to the unification of opposite Chinese cultures because the common written language provided that communication needed. This form of writing is still used today in red-brick day China. As we learned, there were many ancient civilizations that accomplished many great achievements. These achievements contributed to the life we live today and endlessly will. Without these innovations, life would not be as advanced as it is today.If you deprivation to get a ful l essay, order it on our website:

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