Thursday, February 6, 2014

Brave New World Essay

Fontana 1 Allyson Fontana Rhetoric 4 31 December 2010 last-place Draft In Aldous Huxleys Brave New World, the root of saint is a reoccurring fore throughout the apologue. Huxley creates this utopia in the novel where controllers control everyone in the society. This Utopia is suppositional to be shown as what our scene of action will become in the future. The utopia that Huxley represents has everyones destiny mean out before large number are nonetheless conceived. This utopia takes away free will and is a society that is non held in our future considering this caprice of creating graven image is unobtainable. Having a controlled society may help the odds of creating a thoroughgoing(a) society. But there is no such social crossroads as perfection. Perfection is unobtainable and can non be created by arrogant a society. Even in a controlled society, people rebel. non all people can be controlled. In Huxleys Brave New World, Bernard is one example of how perf ection cannot be achieved. In the novel Bernard is shown to have human like qualities. In the beginning of the novel the Director explains to the reader that the World show has eliminated feelings such as jealously, love, desire, anger. But Huxley shows Bernards thoughts of having those feelings. This proves that even in a controlled environment that not everyone can be controlled or perceived to be perfect. Bernard throughout the novel continues to not recrudesce together in with this society that has been created and it eventually drives him to killing himself. Having this idea of perfection drove him to commit suicide because he was not up to standards of perfection. Another example of how perfection is unachievable is in the movie Gattaca. In the movie the main Fontana 2 Character Vincent is brought into the world the natural way and his brother was genetically made and at the end of the movie they have a swim line of achievement and Vincent wins and his brother ends up dying. This is juiceless because Vincent wa! s told he was at highschool risk of having heart nonstarter and his...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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