Sunday, February 9, 2014

British School System

direction in Great Britain Structure: 1.          prep ar clay 2.         Differences between: England ? Wales ? Scotland ? Yankee Ireland 3.          field of study political program 4.          domesticatetime years 4.1.          glasshouse School 4.2.         Infant School 4.3.         Middle School 4.4.          substitute(prenominal) School 5.         Types of drilling 6.         Everyday liveness in school 7.         Grades 8.         Report Cards 1.         School strategy: Age         School 2 years or 2 years and 9 month         Nursery school 4 or 5 years         Infant school 8 or 9 years         Middle school 12 or 13 years u p to 16 years          subaltern winding school Ã?         final: normal Certif icate of Secondary Education Ã?         some students go to the ordinal form afterwards (after secondary school) Ã?         takes twain years, leave the school with an A-Level or AS-Level exam Ã?          one and only(a) has to exact an A-Level exam in at least two classes to go to college 2.         Differences between: England ? Wales ? Scotland ? Northern Ireland         England         Wales         Northern Ireland         Scotland Compulsory school         5-16 years         5-16 years         5- 15 years         until the fester of 16 disabled/ retarded         Go to normal schools and get peculiar(prenominal) help or they go to embarkation schools. Curriculum         yes         yes         no         -         Not BINDEND-         Uniform exams in mathematics! and English other(a) principal(prenominal) differences                  Bilingual classes since 1970 (Welsh and English)         Schools be for free         -         Education clay has a different structure Well known Universities         -         Oxford-         Cambridge         -         University of Wales         -         University of Ulster-         Queens University (Belfast)         -         University of Edinburgh-         University of Glasgow 3.          guinea pig Curriculum Ã?         government guidelines about what is taught in state schools Ã?          primary(prenominal) aim: to raise standards, making sure all children direct a broad and balanced education up to the ripen of 16 and to ensure that schools i n all parts of the area are following the same courses Ã?         divided into four bring out Stages: o         KS1 from five to seven, o         KS2 from seven to 11, o         KS3 from 11 to 14, o         KS4 from 14 to 16 Ã?         specifies what children must study and what they are expected to know... If you want to get a full essay, blueprint it on our website:

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