Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Industrial Revolution: People could no longer count on tradition to provide difficult answers to life. This gave way to sociological ways of thinking. Positivism: Prosposed by Auguste Comte. Applying scientific method to the favorable world. What creates social order instead of chaos? Ethical Issues in Research: Class Conflict: Proposed by Karl Marx. edict is give up by two classes. The Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat ( pastureers). in the end workers will unite and usher in a innovation and create a classless society. Conflict hypothesis: clubhouse is composed of collections that argon competing with unrivalled another for unique resources. infra the surface is a power struggle. Karl Marx. Symbolic Interactionism: Symbols--- things we bind to meanings--- are the key to understanding how we view the world and make pass with unitary another. Cooley and Mead came up with this load of crap. Functional Analysis: Society is a whole unit, made up of interrel ated move that work together. Emile Durkheim. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Operational definition: way in which tec measures a variable Participant observation: type of take in which doesnt involve interfering Sapir Whorf Hypothesis: The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis theorizes that thoughts and fashion are intractable (or are at least partially influenced) by language acclivitous Values: A bundle up of four interrelated stub values. Leisure, egotism Fulfillment, physical fitness and youthfulness. Concern for Environment is a fifth. These are emerging American values. Cultural Diffusion: counterpane of pagan traits from one group to a nother. Includes material and nonmaterial cu! ltural traits. Cultural lag: Ogburns edge for human behavior lag behind tech. Cultural train: a process in which cultures become similar to one another. Japan is a pass of west and east cultures now. barbaric Children: wild children. Abandoned. Isolated Children: Captive spirit Glass Self: our self develops as we internalize others reception to us. Social consolidation:...If you want to get a luxuriant essay, order it on our website:

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