Thursday, December 26, 2013

George Washington

US History I Joseph Jones History Paper, Option A Professor Judy Rice 3/25/11 brusk did George Washington know when he selected his cabinet, that he would be vista the stage for political parties? For his secretary of state, he chose Thomas Jefferson, for and to doubt the Treasury Department selected his former aide Alexander Hamilton. These ii fine gentlemen led the two polar political factions that came to be known as the Federalists and the Democratic- commonwealthans. The Federalist troupe was founded by Alexander Hamilton. He used the Federalist Party to promote his policies. The Federalist Party believed in a strong central government. Thomas Jefferson and jam Madison, who was the leader of the world-class United States Congress, led the Democratic - republican Party. The Democratic - Republican Party believed that the newly formed republic needed checks and balances to shelter individuals from the majority. The parties seemed to grapple their ro ot when Alexander Hamilton was asked by Congress to traverse on ways to solve the state of matters financial problems. (Martin, p. 185.) Hamilton saw this as his chance to effect a financial program that embodied his political beliefs. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
He believed that no society could succeed, which did non unite the interest and attribute of cryptic individuals with those of the state. (Martin, p. 185.) Hamilton wanted to use his financial policies to strengthen national index at the expense of the states. His aim to fix the federal ex officio debt of $54 million, plus another $25 million that the states owed was n ot popular to Hamilton or his cause. He wa! nted the government to take for over the entire debt amount and borrow new flatware at a lower interest rate. While this sounds shout a good idea, states like Maryland, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Virginia had already dedicate off their debt and were not excited to have the government clank up other states tabs. For a long six months, this proposal of marriage was bitterly debated in Congress....If you want to get a blanket(a) essay, gear up it on our website:

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