Sunday, December 22, 2013

Final Regression Project

LOCATING PAM AND SUSANS STORES MULTIPLE REGRESSION PROJECT FOR: arena Analysis Introduction Identification of appropriate sites for unused stores is an matter of increasing strategical importance for Pam and Susans Stores, a magnanimous chain of implication department stress located passim the South. The management squad has requested that an improved methodology be developed and implement for estimating gross gross sales potentials of new stores. Data A wealth of census data, on with several(prenominal) store data has been made available for the 250 existing Pam and Susans Stores. There were 37 initial variables presented for 250 Pam and Susans Stores compiled from art shape data obtained from the most recent census immediate to separately store. For each store, there is data gathered on demographics and economics of these trading zones, as well as size, composition, and sales of the store. Results, Discussion, & casing Que stions After reviewing the data file containing the trading zone and demographic data for each of Pam and Susans 250 stores, we first examined a scatterplot map for the sales for each private-enterprise(a) shell. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
The Competitive examples were defined by Management as follows: cause 1: Densely dwell areas with relatively little direct competition Type 2: High income areas with little direct competition Type 3: Locations near major shopping centers Type 4:Stores in downtown areas of suburbs Type 5:Stores with competition from discounters, but not from department stores Type 6:Stores in shoppin g centers Type 7:Stores located along the! sides of major roads From the Scatterplot map below, it is short that Competitive Types 1 & 2 demonstrate somewhat high sales, while Competitive Type 7 demonstrates cut back sales per store. Competitive Types 3, 4, 5, & 6 were determined to not be statistically significant, and were used as the baseline in the regression toward the mean analytic thinking performed later in the case...If you want to subscribe to a replete essay, order it on our website:

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