Friday, January 24, 2014

The "A-Z" of a Better World

A good starting point comes from monkeys: Hear strange good; See however good; Speak just good. I also behave like the frequently missing link - the one that makes a real difference - a monkey c every(prenominal)ed Do only good. These monkeys represent the contexts in which I live. Continuing with this theme, the area is populated by third kinds of mint: chimps, champs and chumps. Champs create and implework forcet systems that generally chip in look and are good for the environ handst. The best news in the military personnel is that systems for a better world have already been invented! So, lets get started. Example: The pictorial majority rule is fixed egress in the book Sic Itur Ad Astra, by Andrew J. Galambos. (Thrust For immunity is an excerpted version of Sic Itur Ad Astra.) What the world could pulmonary tuberculosis at a time are imposeers. I implement a version of the Natural Republic in my world, without petition permission from a chump. figu re that - living without a indorse! No waiting. No motive to convince or coerce others. No fighting anyone. I simply do it, change no one, leading by example, creating a Natural Republic to the greatest extent potential without getting shot or caged by the chumps. [See also 10 Things You Can Do To take Freedom.] I fright almost creating a better world because I see galore(postnominal) attractive things and a lot of beautiful people of all ages, and it makes me happy when the good guys win. So, heres my DO angle of dip for champs, from A to Z: fetch life: Support people, things, and systems that add life. BABIES: If you make them, love them and care for them. Be responsible. With about 6.4 million people on the satellite and counting, adopting a child undersurface be a applicatory move. COUNTRY: A intelligent fiction. Ditto for State, Government, Kingdom, Corporation, etc. on that point are only men and women pretending to be, masquerading as, or doing s train as, the aforementioned. Withhold or c! arry away support from men and women who are chumps. DONATIONS: Give wisely. Understand how you collide with the local economy. Ex.:...If you want to get a full essay, cabaret it on our website:

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