During the rein of Henry VIII (1485-1509) in England, the royal arrogation of monastic land s and church properties put a huge crutch on the entire charitable system. Between 1536 and 1544, unitary would have to search far and wide for checkup share, and in that respect was absolutely no serve up for indigent tribe in the city of capital of the United Kingdom. In 1569, royal hospitals were in conclusion restored, including Christ?s Hospital for Children, St. Mary?s of Bethlem for mental cases, and gen agel hospitals such as St. Bartholomew?s and St. Thomas?. However, hospitals were non the precisely options for a dotty individual. Queen Elizabeth I?s reign (1558-1603) brought the refurbishment of general charity, and at that place were some(prenominal) types of professionals and individuals to turn to for seeking medical exams attention. As a result of this broad spectrum of medical choices, a admixture of the conjecture of Humors, the philosophy of Signat ures, astrology, tradition, chemic science, and magic became the basis for frequent euphony in Elizabethan England. One of the close soci anyy acceptable and encouraged forms of charity was medical charity. It was believed that sick large number obviously needed help to have a demonstrable recoin truth. Another motive for giving medical help was to help the piteous make a safe return from unwellness back to work, and thus removing the need to further provide m itary help. The city of Norwich a good deal gainful large amounts for physicians to treat the poor. It was mutual bright often that the city would hire one poor somebody to nurse and keep other poor, sick person, to get the better of devil shits with one stone. An interesting fact is that it was popular for a miserable sum to be paid initially to a bonesetter, precisely the bulk of the fee would only be paid when the uncomplaining role was able to walk again. Thus, it is apparent that the practitione r took full righteousness for the patient ! during the reco truly period. The city of Norwich to a fault paid for foster during the recovery period for patient. Norwich is the elevation lawsuit of the great interrupticipation and motivation for treating the poor and the sick in Elizabethan England. When a merchant in Elizabethan London irritates a fever, he commencement ceremony leave alone imply the physician to diagnose him. Then, he bequeath ask his wife if she knows of a authoritative herb that will freeze off his fever. If she has nothing in her stillroom, and then she contacts an chemist. The apothecary will then prepare the treat prescribed by the physician. If finding infinitesimal relief, the merchant will then go to the local ? glib? woman down the street, who will arrest him a entrance sprinkled with bergamot oil, advise him to eat change and dry out foods, and maybe advise him to consider attaching a unclothe or two to his skin to relieve his production line Humor, This is an example of th e common diagnosing and treatment of a patient. It is apparent that medicine was distributed by an browse of different people. The doctor a patient could see depended on the patient?s class and whether he or she had the cash to pay the fee. These professional physicians, who would have current an education at one of the Universities or Colleges for Physicians, were usually only afforded by the very wealthy. Surgeons had a similar reputation to the barbers, whom they associated with and belonged to in the Company of Barber-Surgeons. Barbers were only allowed to pull teeth or permit blood by cutting or occasion of leaches. Usually, patients first visited the apothecary, who was the Elizabethan eq for today?s pharmacist. They carried herbs, oils, chemicals, cosmetics, perfumes, and drugs. The Church could be considered a dynamic medical practitioner for providing attention and cheer to the sick and poor. suffering patients, however, usually first contacted the local ?wise woma n? or ?cunning woman.? Usually, this woman had a bul! ly reputation for traditional remedies and treatments. Bonesetters set bones for broken limbs and ribs. Midwives took care of the childbirth discussion section of medicine. There were also herb-gatherers-and-compounders, hernia specialists, cataract couchers, dentists, and some(prenominal) other types other types of specialist. Lastly, there were ordinary Elizabethan housewives, who were evaluate to have some experience of simple herbal and traditional remedies to produce homemade medicines and potions. En masse, a patient who had legion(predicate) options, and picked and chose from different services from many individuals and types of providers. Medicine in Elizabethan England was ridiculously basic for an era with terrible illnesses, such as the bubonic chivvy and typhoid, and an fantastic lack of sanitation in large cities with open sewers modify with garbage, infestation of rats, lice, and fleas, and no footrace water. The cause of illness was close entirely unknow n, and the beliefs were mostly ground on teachings by old-fashioned Greeks and astrology. The ignorance is also apparent in the common wear of physicians, which were often seen as very strange. The clothing consisted of a large, full, dark cloak, boots, gloves, a hat, and a mask wrought like a bird?s beak, which held bergamot oil. They also wore amulets of dried blood and ground-up toads at the waist for pr as yettative purposes. It was also a custom to immerse oneself with vinegar and to chew angelica before approaching the patient. These preventive steps may have the appearance _or_ semblance very ridiculous and random. However, the popular belief about medicine organize from six different theories, which happened to make sense at the time. The ancient Greek, Galen, formed the first surmise. He believed that the body consists of our embodied fluids called ?Humors?: blood, matte, chickenhearted bile, and black bile. Each humor possessed certain characteristics. crinkl e is spicy and wet, Phlegm is cold and wet, Yellow i! mpertinence is enthusiastic and dry, and Black Bile is cold and dry. A inherent balance wheel of these fluids will keep the body in a goodish state. Any imbalance will result in illness. For example, a cold is the result of too much hot and dry phlegm in the body. This can be counteracted by drying and heating, or staying in bed and eating hot soup. For another example, a fever is the result of an unembellished of blood in the body. A treatment for the fever would be to remove excess blood with leaches, or eat cool and dry foods, like crackers. The characteristics of the quatern Humors were also considered for treating mental illnesses, as blood is sanguine, phlegm is phlegmatic, yellow bile is choleric, and black bile is melancholic. The second supposition is the Doctrine of Signatures.

This theory comes from the Bible, stating that God gave universe lower creatures for Man to use for his benefit. Man uses many creatures for sustenance, and many creatures for labor. Other non-edible creatures on flat coat should be apply as ingredients in medicines. For example, Lungwort is rock-steady for the lungs, and Eyebright will clear the eyesight. The third theory, astrology, has been signs and planet orbits of a patient?s birthday to determine the severity and duration of an illness. The after part theory is the traditional approach to medicine. This theory states that illness is a foreign heraldic bearing in the body; the expropriation of the beat presence is the key to treatment. For example, an exorcism is necessary for mental illness, a queen?s touch is a cure for scrofula, terabyte in the neck, and toads are a cure for warts. The fifth theory uses chemica! l science, in which newly discovered pure substances and non-organic materials were press into medical service, such as tobacco and mercury. The sixth theory deals with magic. In days, the dividing line between magic and legitimate medical reading was extremely blurred. Magic seemed perfectly logical and even scientific to an Elizabethan. The most common cleansing agent used was vinegar, which was utilize to most wounds to prevent from infection. The only cure for odontalgia was having the tooth pulled, which did not include the use of any anesthetics. Bubonic offense was handle by applying warm butter, onion, and garlic to the bubo. Other diverse remedies for the plague were tried, including tobacco, arsenic, lily root, and dried toad. Head pains were case-hardened with odorous herbs such as sage, bay leaf, rose, and lavender. Stomach pains were tempered with wormwood, mint, and balm. Lung problems were treated with licorice and comfrey. These are all specific examples of t reatments for common complicatedness in the Elizabethan era. An weighty benefit of all Elizabethan medicine is the confirmation of the placebo effect. The belief in one?s treatment excites the patient?s optimism and hopes, which is often the most eventful part of the recovery process. This is probably the most prevalent, be inexplicable to Elizabethan medicine, whether the medical practitioners and patients knew it or not. The great compartmentalization of specialists, knowing physicians, and magicians and all their ideas and beliefs, including the bodily Humors, the Doctrine of Signatures, astrology, tradition, chemical science, and magic, is important close why everybody did not die in unsanitary, Bubonic Plagued, rat-infested, and garbage-filled Elizabethan England. Work CitiedBynum, W F., and Roy Porter. Companion Encyclopedia of the narration of Medicine. London: Routledge,1993. Holmes, Martin, Elizabethan London. London: Praeger, 1969. Kiple, Kenneth F. The Cambridge World History of man Disease. sweet York City: Camb! ridge UP, 1993McGrew, Robert E., comp. Encyclopedia of Medical History. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1985. Pritchard, R E. Shakespeare?s England: Life in Elizabethan & Jacobean Times. If you postulate to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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